The Essene Daily Communion For WEDNESDAY

THE DEEPENING: Let thy love be as the Angel of Sun which shines upon ALL the creatures of the earth, and does not favor even one blade of grass for another.

MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of SUN I invoke thee. Thou art the fountain of light that warms our days and lights our path. It is by your glory that man is born to live the words of the Holy Law, and as each morning comes, I shall embrace thee. 

MEDITATION: This day brings to the world the divine blessings of the glorious Sun and its radiant gifts of warmth and of light. How mindlessly we go about our days shielded from your nourishment and unable the receive your blessed gifts. Without fail, I shall find time this day to take the gift of your light into my soul, so that my own light may shine unto others with the same power and glory that you have given unto me.

NOON CONTEMPLATION: Peace with the FAMILY. He who hath found peace with his brother hath entered the kingdom of love and shall experience the Oneness of God. The Heavenly Father knoweth the hearts and the minds of his Children, and their inheritance shall forever be Peace.

EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of LOVE I invoke thee; for love is the first blessing of the Heavenly Father. Yea, it was said in the days of old, thou shalt love thy brother as thyself; and to every one who loveth another is born of the Heavenly Order, and shall drink from the well of eternity. And as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee.

THE BLESSING: The warmth of this day has filled me. How natural it is to feel this blessing and to radiate it back into the world. I look into the eyes of another and see only shared divinity. The boundaries have disappeared. You are no longer a stranger to my heart.

Truly, all must be born again of Sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of truth of the Heavenly Father.
~ Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ


And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

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