
"The Way" of Jesus the Nazarene

One of the great enigmas of human history is the life and horrific martyring of "Jesus the Nazarene" (Yeshua Ben Yosef), his brother "James the Just" (Yaacov Ben Yosef), and their cousin "John the Baptist" (Yohannaton Ben Zachariah). Their lives and the events accredited to them have perplexed both historians and layman alike for nearly two millennia.

Jesus, and his brother James, along with the rest of the Nazarene, Ebionite and other anti-roman religious sects were systematically, scrolls and all, wiped from the face of the earth by the Romans with the help of the collaborating Sanhedrin priesthood. The pacifistic nature of these and other closely related religious sects, following in the footsteps of their Essene mentors, made easy prey for the invading Romans intent on eliminating any and all opposition. The only group ever to have any lasting success against the Romans were the exceedingly more violent Zealots whose end came tragically at Masada in 70 A.D.

While it has been historically documented that while the Romans did not invent the system of "divide and conquer" they most certainly perfected it. Along with this and an iron-fisted hold over their victims, they had an uncanny knack for taking what they wanted and discarding all the rest. This would include all physical or material aspects, as well as the spiritual and religious. The fact that a great percentage of Roman architecture, politics, and philosophy came straight from the Greeks and is well known. The fact that Christianity and Roman Catholicism in particular were usurped from the Essene's and other related vanquished sects, is not.

Remarkably, most of the western world, for various reasons, seems to be completely unaware of the church's dark history or its tragic early beginnings. Among the greatest crimes in history, i.e., the martyring of Jesus and James, along with the eventual elimination of the entire Nazarene movement (while blaming these events on the Jews), is a case which can never be overstated. These events served to alter the course of human history and more so than most people realize or are willing to admit. In addition, the events at Nicea, some three hundred or so years later, were the first of many so-called "Christian Councils" who's mission it was to "correct" the truth and then to conceal their actions. 

Another important area of consideration is the enmity/schism between James and Christianity's real founder, Saul of Tarsas. (Post Damascusly known as Paul) This subject has also been a great source of debate (especially among theologians). It doesn't take a scholar of religion to figure out that whatever this schism between James and Paul was, it definitely had to be something monumental for the Roman government to have gone through the martyring of countless numbers of persons, and ultimately, the systematic genocide and attempted removal from history, of specific religious groups and their message. What, one might ask, could be such an important message?.. a message so dangerous that it had to be eradicated from human existence.

By consulting historians, like Josephus and Philo, and as further evidence is gathered from various historical and gospel accounts, a very different perspective of history and spiritual message would begin to unfold. The non-canonical gospels (more or less benign) would become apocrypha, but the rest would have to be destroyed. What they didn't figure into the equation was the possibility that some of these texts would be hidden or that some of them might even survive.

The Nag Hammadi Library, the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, and the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls, are just such evidence which has resurfaced. Particularly the latter of these  has caused waves of controversy surrounding it spanning nearly half a century. The translation and release of these fragments have exploded onto the scene and have rocked both the archaeological and biblical worlds.

The result has unveiled a highly well-orchestrated, centuries old cover-up between the Vatican and Tel-Aviv and has ignited a warlike religious controversy. The first fifty of several hundred heretofore undisclosed fragments along with a multitude of other various forms of incriminating evidence threaten the very foundation of not only Christianity, but the parent religion of Judaism as well.

The case made by these findings is this: If the original teachings of Jesus, and the Nazarene community had survived, instead of what ultimately became Roman Orthodox Christianity, the entire planet may well have been spared centuries of wars, debauchery and destruction.

As we begin to understand the origin of our general ideals, our slavish pursuit of  mammon, the acceptance of the eating of animal flesh, our bias towards each other,  women, other races, and the rest of the non Judeo-Christian world, a clear, unavoidable and self-incriminating indictment begins to unfold itself right before our very eyes.

 From countless wars, persecutions and needless sufferings to our fragile planet being stretched beyond its finite limits for material pursuits, there seems to be a death race within our world and right along side it is organized Western Religion. Could it all have been avoided? It cannot be said for certain, but at the very least, these atrocities would not have been carried out in the name of Jesus Christ.


And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

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