The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies

~ Luke's Light ~

The Goddess-Queen in the Bible



When Luke-Acts is examined allegorically, as Philo of Alexandria taught, the real message shines forth.

It is the story of the God Jesus and his Goddess, Mary Magdalene

The first "Goddess-Queen" was an Ethiopian.* She is credited with transforming mankind from animalistic to humanistic behavior by creating the laws of ethics espoused by Jesus.


According to Josephus, Moses' first wife was an Ethiopian princess. Scripture says King David's wife was "Bathsheba" an Ethiopian Queen. King Solomon loved another Ethiopian Queen, "Sheba."


According to Ethiopian Jewish tradition, "Sheba," Shabat," or "Sabbath" is the name of the daughter of God. The Ethiopian Jewish book, Teezaza Sanbat, tells of the greatness of the Sabbath of Israel, the daughter of God. Therefore, in the tradition of the Ethiopian Jews, "Sheba" is a word for Goddess; "The kingdom of Sheba" is "The land of the Goddess."


The earliest known Arabian temple was at Marib, capital of Sheba. Arabians called it Mahram Bilquis, "precincts of the Queen of Sheba." In Ethiopia this Queen was called Magda, Makeda, Maqda, or Makera, meaning "Greatness."


More than five hundred years before Jesus, the kingdom called "Sheba" experienced a name change; it became "Mero." After that name change, "The Queen" would have been known as "Mero Magda."


The land of Sheba was a center of astronomical wisdom. Religious life involved worship of the Sun (Sol) and Moon (Mon). The name, "Sol-o-Mon," incorporates the Sun (God) and Moon (Goddess). The trail laid out by Luke, using instructions from his contemporary, Philo of Alexandria, leads to the Ethiopian Queen, Mero Magda.


*In ancient times, "Ethiopia" did not refer to a specific geographic location. The word means "burnt skin." The term, "Ethiopian" referred to any population of people with dark skin. Mary Magdalene's father was a black king from Libya.


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