The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 
Comments of the Editors

Transcribed and compiled
by Rev. Mark Wilcox D.D.

Section 1, Lections 1 Thru 10 

LECTION 1.1 The opening paragraph of this Gospel was evidently before the eyes, or in the mind of St. Luke when he wrote his Gospel. (see Luke 1:5). This is only one of several instances where this Gospel, or the words of Iesus recorded in it, are used subsequently, without specially indicating the fact (as shewn further on), being well-known to his hearers at that time. 

LECTION 2. 10.- "Joseph begat (of Mary the Virgin, his wife) Iesus, who is called the Christ."-Curetonian and Lewis's Syriac, MS. ; and several of the oldest Latin MSS., in Matt. I.16, A.V. 

LECTION 2. 21-25.-The canticle of Ioseph here given is very similar to a certain portion of the book of Isaiah; indeed, appears to be taken from it, as Iohn borrowed from the Old Testament prophets. It has been omitted in all other Gospels extant. It is of singular beauty, and appropriate for use at Matins, as Magnificat is for Vesper, the Song of Zacharias finding an equally appropriate place at Nocturns. 

LECTION 4. 1 -The accepted date of the birth of Christ as corrected in the A. V. is A.M. 4000, or A.D. 1. This being so, his second visit to the Temple A.M. 4012, and after that his travels about A.M. 4018-4030; his Baptism A.M. 4031 ; His Transfiguration on the Mount, 4042 ; and his Crucifixion A.M. 4049, leaving eighteen years for his public ministry ; and his numerous teachings, which S. Iohn declares would fill a vast number of books, more than could be contained (comprehended by the world). 

LECTION 4. 4 - The animals here mentioned are sacred to the Deity in various countries and religions, the Cat and the Dove being specially honored and protected in Egypt (the most ancient centre of civilization, religion,  philosophy and true science), as the symbols of Isis, the foreshadower of the "Divine Mother" of Christianity. Egypt (with her Trinity of Father, Mother, Child) gave refuge and sanctuary to the Infant Christ, Who came forth from thence to redeem humanity. The cat is not wilfully a "cruel animal," as falsely alleged by the ignorant, no more than the babe which torments it in ignorance of the pain it gives. Far more cruel are human beings, who torture and destroy millions of innocent creatures to gratify a depraved appetite or to minister to their vanity, or their lust for cruel experiment. The cat truly, as alleged by occultists, both ancient and modern, "the most human of all animals," and it is probable it was for this reason that it appears as the favourite animal of Jesus who was ever the friend of the despised, maligned and neglected although the most loving, gentle and graceful of all animals, rather than the more self assertive dog, especilly as taught by man to hunt and to worry. 

LECTION 4. 12.-Iesu Maria is the complete name. Jesus, he shall save, Maria, his people. Jesus is only the first part of the Holy Name, He saves His people, not at once, the entire human race, but those of goodwil1- homines bonce voluntatis - men and women of peace, and obedient to the divine law; and by these, their brethren through the ages, who will to be saved. The first part of the sacred Name seems to be generally used in the Gospel, as indicating that only the first part of his mission is now. When all men and women are gathered in, then will Christ be manifest as the complete Saviour, Iesu-Maria. 

LECTION 5. 9.-Note the beautiful lesson taught by these words. They look in vain for the signs of God who forget the needs of the poorer brethren and their beasts under their care. To look upon the needs of these who cannot speak (in human tongue) is to find the bright light they lose who only look upwards.

LECTION 5. 16. -Alluding to 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, in the Ierusalem Talmud, and also in the Babylonish, is an account of a priest named Zacharias, who was slain in the court of the priests near the altar, and whose blood never ceased to bubble from the earth, till a great number of priests and rabbins were slaughtered (Talmud Hierosal, fol. 69).

In the Protevangelium attributed to Iames, the first Bishop or Angel of the Church in Ierusalem is introduced the present story of Zacharias, and that Herod who slew the infants in Bethlehem slew also Zacharias the priest in the Temple when he said that he knew not where his infant son Iohn was hidden. It is this story, and not the incident in Chronicles, that most probably is referred to in a latter part of the Gospel by Iesus, being fresh in the memories of that generation, and so more likely to fasten attention. 

LECTION 6. 5. -In what way this prediction is to be fulfilled is not as yet made manifest - whether Iesus shall yet be manifest and received by his people as the Two-in-One, the All-gentle as well as the All-powerful, or whether He shall assume the feminine form, or whether He shall be manifest with His counterpart. Many false Christs shall come with signs and lying wonders. 

LECTION 6. 13. -Iosephus mentions a section of the Essenes, or Iessenes, who, unlike the great majority of them, lived in "honourable marriage," observing their rules and customs in all other matters, such as abstinence from blood sacrifices, flesh eating, etc. Some consider it most probable, therefore, that at this period Iesus married, according to the usual custom of the Iews, and in his case especially, that he might have full experience of human life, and thus be a perfect Example for all, knowing the joys and sorrows of all,-and that it was just before his further travels preparatory to his entrance into the Ministry that he lost by death the wedded partner of his youth. He was " in all things like as we are, yet without sin" 

LECTION 7. 4.-The fruit of the Carob tree ("S. Iohn's Bread") ; not the insect of that name, as is supposed by the people in general. 

LECTION 7. 10,-As noticed before, the Essenes did not frequent the blood sacrifices of the Temple. Iohn and Iesus acted accordingly. 

LECTION 8. 2. -This "bright light" at his baptism is mentioned in the "Gospel of the Hebrews," which is undoubtedly the original Gospel of S. Matthew, and the one used in the primitive Church of Ierusalem, and identical with this. 
   Iustin Martyn quotes this Gospel as the original Gospel of Matthew, and endeavours to explain away the supposed "heresy" in the words, " This day have I begotten thee," which shows that the present Gospel of Matthew could not have been extant in his time, else he would have quoted it with gladness as omitting these words. 
   v. 7.-The earthly ministry of Iesus, beginning at thirty years of age, complete and continuing till his death at the age of forty-nine, must therefore have lasted much longer than is generally supposed, even eighteen years. During the latter part of it, the Iews who knew him attested that he was then " not fifty years old." 

LECTION 9. 1. -The Essenes or Nazarenes, somewhat like the Indian Yogi, sought to attain divine union by solitary meditation in unfrequented places. In the monastery of our Lord on the summit of Quarantania, a cell is shown with rude frescoes of the event. This mountain is about 18,000 feet high, in a barren and desolate region east of Ierusalem, north of the road to Iericho, overlooking the valley of the Iordan. 
   v. 2-9.-Observe, the temptations are addressed to the fourfold nature of man, as recognised by the ancient Egyptians. 1st.-To the outer body, with its physical needs. 2nd. -To the inner body, the seat of the senses and desires. 3rd.-To the soul, the seat of the intellect.

LECTION 9. 3.-In all the ancient initiations woman was one of the temptations placed in the way of the aspirant. That this was not omitted in the trial of the "Perfect Man" we may be certain, and we are expressly told in the Epistle to the Hebrews that "he was in all points tempted even as we are." Why the writers of the Canonical Gospels omitted this trial, or whether it was dropped out of the original by accident we cannot say, but here we have it restored in its place. It is evidently inculcated by Iesus in this second temptation (what has always been known to the wise) that adepts should store up their physical strength for work on a higher plane, and this Iesus did for the work of the ministry as an example for all who would follow him and heal the bodies and souls of others. 
   Here we have one of the many passages which show that the words attributed to the writers of the Epistles are quotations from this Gospel, and that such portions at least were extant in their time.-e.g., I. John iii. 9. (A. V.). 


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